I'm finally one up on Stan Friedman, who has never seen a UFO.
Or am I?

While Nick Redfern and I were sitting with Stuart Miller on his back porch on the evening of Saturday, the 10th ofJune, waiting to do the Strange Days... Indeed show, at around 10 pm GMT we saw an unidentified flying object! I managed to grab a picture with my camera just before it disappeared.

Here is the photo I managed to take on my digital camera. This was definitely not an aircraft. Could it have been an extraterrestrial vehicle?
Opinion differed between the three of us. Stuart thought that it was an extradimensional manifestation of a paranormal intelligence... or something like that.

Nick was convinced that it was an illegal uber top secret British experiment using captured German soccer hooligans to test the effect of post-World Cup traumatic stress disorder on monkeys... or something like that.
I figured it was an atmospheric phenomena that had yet to be identified, or that we were simply misperceiving some natural phenomena, while at the same time not ruling out an ET spacecraft... hopefully one carrying beautiful Plejaren babes.
Of course, it was none of those things. It was, in fact, something pretty mundane. Kudos to the first person who correctly identifies the "object" (and no, Kyle, it wasn't a model train wheel covered with fluorescent paint).
Paul Kimball
It looks like it could be the Moon seen through a screen of cloud.
Nope. Better luck with the cryptoterrestrial theory! :-)
Yes. You are also excluded "from" contributing! :-)
Street light?
You have no officially qualified for your "Rex Heflin Photo Deconstruction" Merit Badge.
I'm just curious as to how many ufologists I could have fooled had I sent that photo to them anonymously.
Jaime Maussan and the Billy Meier supporters pop to mind immediately.
My second guess was Stuart's cigarette tip, since he appears to have an ashtry and pack of cigarettes on the table.
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