Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hellyer, Corso and Greer

In the run-up to this Tuesday's impending embarrassment... er, exopolitical press conference... I think it's important for anyone who's interested, and who might be inclined to take Paul Hellyer seriously, to review this short, five minute interview with MSNBC's Tucker Carlson from last December. Note that Mr. Hellyer was already touting Dr. Steven Greer, although the supposedly "sharp-as-a-tack" former Minister of Defense had trouble remembering Dr. Greer's name (presumably he'll get it right on Tuesday).

More important, for those who have suggested otherwise, note that Mr. Hellyer clearly stated that it was Philip Corso's book The Day After Roswell, that formed the core of his belief system, including the contention that the United States was intent on building a moon base to monitor and shoot down (if necessary) aliens.

The amazing thing is that Mr. Carlson, who has a reputation for being confrontational, to say the least, actually treated Mr. Hellyer with the utmost respect.

The sad thing is that it was Mr. Hellyer who was the guy being interviewed as some sort of spokesperson for the study of the UFO phenomenon.

I feel sorry for Mr. Hellyer. Whatever one's views about the policies he implemented in office all those years ago (especially the disastrous decisions he made with respect to Canada's armed forces, which reverberate to this day), it's sad to see him come to this near the end of his life.

He was once a politician of considerable talent and promise. If his ego hadn't gotten in the way, he might have done great things.

Alas, for Paul Hellyer, that was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away from the one he inhabits today.

Paul Kimball


Mac said...

This whoe "exopolitical" thing would make an interesting documentary.

Paul Kimball said...


From a sociological point of view, yes, in the same way that a documentary about the contactees is fascinating (Farewell, Space Brothers - at least I think that was the title - was a cool film).
