Friday, December 08, 2006

Stan Friedman Discusses UFO Frauds and Bob Lazar

I interviewed Stan for 10 hours back in 2001 for the documentary Stanton T. Friedman is Real. As the film was only 48 minutes in length, obviously there was a lot of stuff that didn't make it in the final cut. Here's one of those clips, where Stan talks about the problem of frauds in ufology, and then Bob Lazar in particular.

Note that Stan mentions two examples in the beginning. I'll post the second example that he cited in a couple of days.

Paul Kimball


Ray Palm (Ray X) said...

Hey, Bob Lazar got another 15 seconds of fame thanks to Polonium-210. Apparently Bob sells the same stuff on the Web that killed the former KGB agent in England recently. I caught the story late one night on CBS-TV news. They didn't mention Bob selling Element 115 on his site.


Ray Palm (Ray X) said...

Hey, Bob Lazar got another 15 seconds of fame thanks to Polonium-210. Apparently Bob sells the same stuff on the Web that killed the former KGB agent in England recently. I caught the story late one night on CBS-TV news. They didn't mention Bob selling Element 115 on his site.


Mac said...

I don't but Lazar's story. But I don't rule out his use as a disinfo agent who may sincerely believe some of his own claims.

LesleyinNM said...

It seems there is more to it than him just being a liar. He did know when the "ufos" would fly and took Knapp and Lear out there. For all I know he could have really worked there, not because he had the background to, but because he was being set up or he could have met someone who worked there and they passed the info to him, again maybe a set up.

ericswan said...

I have Bob's video posted at my blog

It's free. It's well informed.

Anonymous said...

There's no question mr. Lazar is a real physicist. He's a maverick type of scientist, but that's precisely what the Air Force would look for in their pioneering research projects.
Friedman makes the argument that Lazar's curricular records don't match up. Actually, they do. Lazar was in Alamos during the period he declared having worked at the S4 reverse engineering site. Reporter George Knapp found his name in a phone book of that time. That's probably the only proof of his identity that they didn't delete.

Anonymous said...

Bob Lazar is the real deal. He did work there. Stanton is right about the lies on his school. However you have support for the rest of his story that cannot be ignored. His video of the test flights, Mike Thigpen, w-2 from naval intelligence, eyewitnesses, he passed a lie detector test, satelite photos confirm the location and his story never changes. Most of all he does not care who believes him. I am not going to try to prove his case or convince anyone. But I can tell you I have listened to every interiew, read every transcript and researched his case. The story of working at area 51 is true. I am all in with all my chips against anyone, but we will have to wait. George Knapp also believes Bob Lazar 100%. George has researched Bob's story much more deeper than Stanton.

Anonymous said...

One word proves the Lazar story beyond a reasonable doubt...

Test flights

Paul Kimball said...


Lazar is a fraud. Why can't you folks get that through your heads? I guess the will to believe is stronger than reality.


P.S. "Test flights" is actually two words.

Anonymous said...

You are correct test flights is two words, your an ok paragraph reviewer. However you missed that "eyewitnesses" is one word and they are sufficient to prove Bob's case. Tiki king

Anonymous said...

Delta T has made a good point. If there were recovered discs, and if you were struggling trying to understand what makes them tick, you might indeed look for a maverick type to give an opinion.

You might also use such a person to release information as a trial balloon. To see how the public reacts.

You would not likely use him for disinformation as the entire affair only destroyed the secrecy of the base, Area 51, by putting it on the tip of the whole worlds tongue. That theory just doesn't fly.

The other two are worth contemplation.