Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Roy Wimmer Passes Away

I just learned from Brad Sparks that Roy Wimmer, one of the key witnesses from the 1953 Santa Barbara Channel case, passed away last week (on the 12th, I believe).

I may be wrong, but I think he was the last surviving witness.

The info on the case can be found here.

In his report on the incident for Lockheed, Wimmer, a top test pilot, wrote:

I was watching it all the time so I was able to see it for several seconds after the rest of the crew had lost sight of it. Right up until the time it disappeared it maintained its sharp outline and definite shape so I know it was not a cloud that dissolved... I am convinced this was a large object some distance away.
Of course, the United States Air Force, in one of their most bone-headed explanations ever (and that's saying something), concluded that what Wimmer and other top Lockheed personnel (including Kelly Johnson) saw that day was a lenticular cloud.

Yeah, right.

My condolences to Mr. Wimmer's family.

Paul Kimball


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words about my dad, Roy Wimmer. Yes, he did pass away on March 12. He was a kind, humble and loving man. He loved flying and believed he had the best job in the world.

Diane Wimmer DeHart

Paul Kimball said...


Although he isn't mentioned in the segment by name, the UFO case your dad was involved in with Kelly Johnson and Rudy Thoren and others back in 1953 over Santa Barbara Channel is featured in our upcoming (May 10th) documentary Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Cases.

From what I've read and heard about your dad, he sounds like a great guy and a dedicated professional who made a real contribution to 20th century aviation. I wish I could have met him! :-)

Best regards,
Paul Kimball

Anonymous said...

I also thank you for your kind words. My dad was my dad after all of his flying ( I was born only several years before he retired) and he was a wonderful, kind hearted, loving dad and grandpa even without airplanes. I would like to know what channel and time your special will be on, on May 10th.

Karen Wimmer Beagley
Rexburg, Idaho

Paul Kimball said...


Space: The Imagination Station here in Canada. I'd be happy to send your family a DVD when they're made later in the year. You or another family member can e-mail me your address at redstarfilm@aol.com if you'd like.

I consider the Santa Barbara case your dad was involved in to be one of the five best UFO cases ever. In the grand scheme of things, that's probably just a footnote to a distinguished career, but it is kind of cool! :-)

My own dad was a navigator with the RCAF in the 1950s, and a couple of uncles flew with the USAF, and were later test pilots in the private sector. I have a tremendous amount of respect for guys like that - like your dad.

Paul Kimball