[original at: http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2005/nov/m02-010.shtml]
"From: Richard Hall
Subject: Hall Oral History Project Needs Sponsors
Wendy Connors has very generously turned over to me some five hours of oral history interviews she conducted with me a few years back, in the form of digital video cassettes. A Canadian List member has volunteered his time to edit the tapes and produce a DVD master which I can then have duplicated and offer for sale. I would also like to have a VHS version.
The catch is that I can ill afford the costs of duplication, and so am seeking sponsors. Anyone who cares what I have to say about the UFO subject and my role in research and investigations from my 50-year perspective (please, please, don't break downthe doors... easy now, no stampede) is invited to contribute tothe project via PayPal or check (a.k.a.,cheque), or money order. Contributors of at least $50 will receive one or more copies of the finished product. - Richard Hall"

Kudos to Wendy Connors for recording the interview in the first place, and for now turning the tapes over to Dick.
Contact Dick for further details (i.e. how to pay).
[Note: see http://www.hallrichard.com/gallery.htm for the original photo of Dick shown above]
Paul Kimball
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