My dear friend, Mac Tonnies, has passed away.
There is so much I could say. There is so much I will say in the days to come. But for the moment, all I can say is that one of the many, many things Mac and I shared in common - and something which our mutual pal Nick Redfern, from whom I heard this terrible news, always teased us about - was our devotion to the Smiths. The following was a favourite for both Mac and I...
The last time Mac was in Halifax, shooting some interview segments for a documentary produced by another company here, he and I went out one night for a short drive that turned into a three hour marathon drive to nowhere, as we listened to the Smiths and talked about life, and the universe, and UFOs, and all the others things that you talk about with best friends. About thirty kilometres outside of Halifax, I noticed that the light on the gas gauge had gone on, meaning I was running low. Out in the rural area where we were, at that time of night, there were no service stations open. I told Mac I thought we had enough to get back to town, but then I added, mischievously, that I wasn't sure, and we might have to hoof it, in November. He just looked at me, said "figures that the first time I ever 'ran out of gas' with someone it would be with you on a dark, lonely road in Nova Scotia." We both had a good laugh!

In the days and weeks to come, those are the good memories that I will cherish, and share here.
Mac's light, which burned brightly, but for far too short a time, will never go out.
R.I.P. Mac.
Paul Kimball
I suppose I'll have more to say in a day or so too, but thanks for your first tribute here. Terrible loss.
My God! I didn't know Mac, except to read his blog from time to time, and to see comments from him here. I know the two of you were great friends. I'm so sorry, Paul.
Very sad. I had such a vivid dream last night with Morrissey in it (which is not at all something/someone I'd normally dream about), so I had a feeling it was trying to tell me something, like it was connecting with me. The tie-in here with the Smiths sheds some light on it now.
Truly awful news. Life sucks on times. My deepest sympathies, Paul, and to everyone close to him.
My condolences to friends and family of Mac Tonnies.
The entire Fortean world is weeping :(
Terrible news....my heart goes out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace
This is so devastating to hear. I just can't believe it...
I was going to tease Mac about Richard Heene being an Anti-Mac Fortean (a manic true believe w/o no skepticism) but I never got around to it. He would have been totally disgusted, which would have made it funny.
Thanks for Smiths song. I won't be able to listen to it though without crying again. I know he meant a lot to you guys there in Halifax and vice versa. And I hope we can all mourn our loss together.
This is a very great loss. Mac was a highly original thinker - a great intellect, and a true gentleman. There was so much more to come from this lovely man. We have lost one of hour best. My prayers go out for his family and friends.
Hey Paul. Nice post at youTube. I'd have commented there but they just recently dumped my account. Thanks, though, it's nice to hear his voice (and what a great radio voice was too)
Sad news
My deepest condolences to family and friends
Paul, thank you for posting this tribute. I am just devastated; can't stop crying. Mac and I struck up a friendship over email and twitter - he was a wise and lovely soul.
Far too young, true pity. Condolences to all those touched by Mac.
Dear Mac,
I only spoke to you a few times by email, but read your work many times.
You will be missed. :(
My deepest condolences to family and friends.
Such a tragic loss. He was so young and so brilliant.
My sympathies to you as your mourn your friend. My heartfelt condolences to his family as well.
no more Posthuman Blues.... boldly going nowhere....
RIP Mac, you will be missed
Thanks everyone for your thoughts!
Mac, we have known you since childhood but our ways have since lost touch. We just recently received the news and it was a shock to say the least. You were a beautiful person and you will be missed tremendously.
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